BanjoBlog |
taking Class 18 in Group both days last weekend, ___________________________________________________ Ch
Banjospitz Southern Lite announces her show team for the future: Banjospitz
Southern Aida. Banjospitz
Southern Bandido. Banjospitz
Southern Spirit. Banjospitz
Ghost in My House __________________________________________________ Lilly wins BOB -2010 Canberra
Royal Banjo
takes Class 18 in Show! At the Hills District show this evening
(28/11/09) Spring Fair 2009-11-20 Day 1:
Mrs Marija Kavcic (Slovenia) BOB
Ch Banjospitz Southern Bea (BEA) RUBOB
Ch Banjospitz Cinnamon (KOKO) RUDCC
Ch Wyndlee Shadowland (Imp UK) (SHADOW) Spring Fair 2009-11-21 Day 2: Mrs J Perry from Thailand. Ch Banjospitz
Southern Lite (Olga)took BCC and BOB and her father, Ch Wyndlee Shadowland
(Shadow)took DCC and Ru BOB. Reserve bitch was Ch Banjospitz Cinnamon(Koko).
11 entries in total. Spring Fair 2009-11-22 Day 3
Judge was Mr G Christensen of Denmark
Canberra Royal 2009 Koko gets R/upBOB & Bitch Challenge |